
Thursday 28 July 2011

The Ancient Art of Karaoke

I love to sing. My sister has always been the openly musically gifted one but I have snuck out from behind the drum set and the percussion jungle to join the lead singer of the band, dude. Well, sort of.
My voice, in my opinion, has always been kind of... manly. Of course, I always used to say that about my shadow too. Obviously my opinions there and also my perspective are skewed in a self depreciating kind of way.

Impersonations are really fun to do but you should never really do this outside the home, unless you're going for laughs. The most common mistake when people start singing is that they try to sound like the artist. This is bad if you're going for someone like Mariah Carey, Britney Spears or Ke$ha. Of course, that's bad in the first place before you even start singing.
You should always start out with your own voice and grow confident in it. Then of course if you need to go higher, you can kick it up a notch. Going any higher with a fake voice is going to make all the dogs on your street cry.

Nobody likes people who make puppies cry.

So far I haven't had a chance to go to an actual karaoke bar, but I'm interested in going. Apparently word on the street is, it's a deal breaker for friends on a night out haha. Oh well, I'm working on it.
I've been doing a lot of in-car singing. I always have, but now I'm actually getting good at it, if I do say so myself.

It's a real confidence booster. Previously if you got me to sing in public, unless I was with a chorus line my voice tended to go a little squeaky and quiet. Now, I have sung in public and happily, my voice didn't break like a teenage boy's. Now I rarely stop doing it, even at traffic lights when the next car stops and stares at me. This one time, a car drove past me on the highway, full of teenagers and they'd obviously seen me singing because they started laughing and doing campy dance routines. The fools! I hadn't even *started* my routine!

Firstly there was singing in front of/with the boyfriend. My beloved partner in crime enjoys singing and he's really good at it too. The other week he asked why I always rock up at home with my speakers blaring but whenever I drive him somewhere, I don't have the stereo on? Well, I took my cues on that because he was the same when he courted me, and it's the same now as well.

Do whatever you like with the CD player when you're by yourself but when your love interest gets in the car you turn it off because you want to talk to them. I love that about him. So lately we've relaxed the rules a bit and on one particularly long drive we rocked the music together. The only problem is that we were in my car, and my taste in music is a bit... eccentric so some words he didn't know. But then I rarely know what the lyrics in his songs are anyway so it evens out.

Later on, we had Panda's brother Evil and his son Roosterhead in the car with us. We all started singing along to the radio. Roosterhead being so young, he didn't know the song well so after the chorus he started singing his own song. Panda started singing something else, Evil sort of did a round version of what Panda was singing and I stayed with the song on the radio.

It was a twisted little glee club barbershop quartet thing and
IT ACTUALLY WORKED. I don't think we could ever do it again, but good gravy was that a damn catchy.... mess of things. Now I'm even joining in the annoying sing a longs at work. That's service, people. Too bad my co-worker's songs usually suck but hey, it's a work in progress.

I think I'd prefer to sing a long than to actually go full solo at a karaoke bar though. Maybe I'll start with SingStar or something first haha.

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