So, while I am getting better at the stuff... I am no social butterfly. I'm more like the anti social moth who waits in the shadows before stealing the butterfly's pretty little wings.
Flying away with them somehow, presumably cackling maniacally and heading towards some sort of flame. I am nothing if not predictable.
My point is, while I cherish certain people around me I still find it hard to actually tell them so without utilising a sketch of them.
To others it probably does look like I'm showing off for attention but I'm not, although the attention is way flattering I always come out with a snooty comment or else hover in the background nervously giggling.
This time I drew my Co workers as Halloween characters in a graveyard which eerily resembles our workplace. It went down really well, except some people just can't recognise themselves in cartoon form.
I know I should be nicer about it, it's probably not as obvious to everyone else as it is to me. And they haven't spent a week nose to sketchbook. But same as my Easter themed sketch, I put everyone in their separate sections and tried to add as much personal characteristics as possible.
The hardest part for these folks is finding who I am apparently. Not sure if that's a testimony to my fantastic moth-assassin-in-shadows bit or if everyone just forgets me at times.
It's probably a bit of both. When I first hung it on the door, I was asked if I was every other girl character on the page before my actual character. I was like - how did this happen?! Do I look like a blonde devil? Does my hair transform into a red perm when I'm not looking?
Haha. Oh, one day they will learn. I shall bombard them with themed and un themed sketches until they can't stands it no more!
It's all good though. I designed the concept in about five minutes, decided who the characters would be in about one, and then took about five sketches before realising that this team isn't going to fit on an A4 anymore.
Next time I will use my computers to make them pretty, I just got lazy hehe. I've really missed drawing. :)