From Batgirl #3:
Drag your eyes away from the epic sight of Batgirl hitching a ride on Gotham's notorious rail service and what do you see? What's that? 'For a good time, call the Red Hood?' Oh myyyyy.
From Birds of Prey #3:
Now this one, maybe it's just me, that's definitely a possibility.. but from the moment I saw this page I couldn't un see Poison Ivy. It's not her new costume - it's about time she wore something resembling an outfit and I think it suits her new image. It would especially work well in a Birds of Prey setting, as some kind of foliage camouflage. However.. I'm not sure how well a freakin' tree root up her butt will help her on those missions!!
From Red Hood and the Outlaws #3:
So, is this the good time we're meant to call about? (snigger)
From Suicide Squad #3:
Freaking LOVE IT. Deadshot is scanning his team mates all inconspicuously, judging them in his spare time and here comes Harley Quinn - POSING for it! Very Harley moment, and as not much attention is drawn to it, very tongue in cheek. Also quite cute and one of my favourite panels of her so far.
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