
Saturday 30 December 2017

Dreamtime - the Birdocalypse and Dawn of the Undead Comic Stores

When you dream - it's an interesting mix of outside stimuli, worries, fears, wants, something you've been thinking of for a while... then there are some dreams which are just freakin' mental.

The other day I had a dream that didn't stick with me apart from the main incident - where my work colleagues and I are on a trek through a jungle... and for some reason we're doing the crocodile walk but using a (very reliable) vine to navigate some mild rapids (on foot, because we apparently don't shiv about anything like leeches, snakes, crocodiles, the perfectly good manicured jungle grass right next to us.... you name it!)

One of our co-workers had to take a break so we're all like, sure, we can hang out for a bit we're all getting quite tired too and then things took a harsh turn when the department supervisor said no. if she can't hack it, she's gone. We have to keep moving.

This dream happened immediately after this manager got into a passive aggressive argy bargy with one of my friends about their stupid rules about personal property, the lack of recycling bins and how other areas flaunt their own personal property rule breaking.

I don't think that manager likes me much either.

Anyway, last night's dream was about myself, my husband, one of his best friend's (Cowgirl) one of our mutual high school friends (Constructo) and I think it might have also included my brother (K-Dog).. but I'm not clear on that.

We were all heading interstate for a birthday party! Staying in a dingy motel, I went out to get a birthday present. I had decided to get two bouncy balls for the birthday person (don't even know who it is) and paint them. One was going to be a skull and the other a mad sick anaconda image. Only I went to a hairdresser for some reason. Don't get me wrong, he did a great job on my hair but then he facepainted me as the skull... which was good and bad. It was a good facepaint, but it wasn't how I would have done it. He was then going to paint the anaconda emerging from my hairline but never got around to it. I... don't recall if I actually paid him or not.

Next, we're wandering through the inner city markets (which are actually stores) and looking at a wannabe Goth store. I got bored and wandered across to a random store about games, which inspired me to suggest that we head to the next state in order to go to a comic store.

Surprisingly, no one objects to my idea even though it's a long way to go for a comic store and it could very well make us late for the birthday shenanigans.

We get there... apparently on foot? and discover it's not a comic store alone but a rather large pet store. A lot of the cages are under large sheets but most of their stock appears to be Cockatoos... which is a bit unusual given the usual pet store around here would more than likely have a million Cockatiels, Peachfaces or Lovebirds instead of Cockatoos which are normally made a centre piece or a store mascot.

There were some puppies too... hubby was looking at them and I kept trying to point out which one I liked ( a tiny blue one, natch) but this larger, fluffy one kept jumping in front of it whenever I tried to show him. Hubby somehow got his whole head in the cage and somehow didn't get slobbered on.

There were also side show games on the corners.. one was a challenge to see if you could successfully hitch up a caravan to a toy car and reverse park it in one go.

Like this, but I used the lion cage pic because it's cooler

Naturally... I passed the hell out of that and ended up winning a squishy bouncy ball with a rabbit head and legs sticking out of it. It was also purple, and squeaky... actually, now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure they gave me a dog toy! There was a suspenseful moment where they didn't have any balls in stock so I was pushing for store credit (there was a bubble blowing classic Harley Quinn doll that only half worked so I didn't want to pay full price) but in the end I got the ball.

Aaand... that's about all I remember. Did I go to the party? Did we all get blisters from walking between two states? Who knows?

I think this dream might have had to do with a text my bestie sent me (Raven) yesterday telling me that she found the last birthday card I gave her, with an unused gift card in it.
I don't recall giving her a gift card (it was a while ago, but I probably did) so I was pondering about it all night. 

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