
Saturday 23 December 2017

Dreamtime: The Infiltration

This week I have been completely sleep deprived and yesterday was the worst of it, I could barely stay awake. I expected smooth, dream less sleep last night but did I get it? Nay. Nay I did not.
What I got, was a nightmare of sorts.

It was a variation of a dream I think I've had before, or only think I think I've had before... you know how dreams work. Otherwise, it's a fairly common sci-fi/horror movie staple so it could have come from there.

I was at 'school' (in reality, my workplace) and firstly someone there was trying to find a way to post rude things/porn/illegal downloads etc on their work/school computer without being noticed. I saw them, but didn't say anything as they were an otherwise good person. These people are from all walks of my life but dream me knows them as 'work friends.' I see my other (actual) work friends coming back from a costume party, one's an extremely casual pirate. Oh, the irony!

Next, we're all shepherded into what seems to be an aerodrome sort of thing. It is.. at the same time, very big, and not very vast at all. I'm at the back of the room behind a pillow fort of sorts. There are other ones strategically located around the room, there is a small door behind us and a large, airplane size door. Also present is a computer terminal, some saddlebags and a small window where army/airforce/suspicious guys watch us.

A few of us are talking and don't really seem to be worried about any imminent doom. There are so many people here that I know but I don't. I read somewhere that your brain remembers every face you meet just so it can screw you up like this because you technically *do* know these people... but you likely haven't met, ever.

Next, the monster is released, and we need to work together to contain it. The 'memory' I have of the original monster was some gross, non-slimy worm thing with legs that basically just mowed us down like a creepy steamroller but this time it was a stealth infiltration.

It was so quiet, we were all wary, looking forward mostly but also to the sides. When we realised there was no immediate danger, there was some chatter but this kinda died off once we heard a weird noise from in front of us. I peek over the top of the pillow fort and see one of our friends (not really a person I know, may not even exist?) lying extremely flat, on a raised pillar that was NOT there before and with a strange expression on her face.

Pretty much this

I huddle down to warn my friends (after taking an important moment to speak to Dolly Parton about the cover of 'Jolene' that Miley Cyrus did) but the next thing I know she's right in front of us. Jumping up, I block her advances with an extra large pillow as I instinctively know if she touches me, it'll be bad. Like, getting a cold when the village is trying to eradicate plague bearers bad.

Despite being infected by the monster somehow.. she's pretty docile and doesn't fight much even though she keeps trying to advance towards my friends in the corner. She tells me in a flat sort of tone that she knows her place in this and that she is to be 'the mother.' I ask her if when the monster is finished with her if she'll also be 'the munchies'. Dream me was pretty proud of that one but dream Tessa (blah blah blah I'm Tessa Sooks) doesn't answer. 

Eventually my friends come to my aid and we manage to shove her in the back room via that tiny door where the air-force/special forces/MIB contain dat shite. My (actual real life, not work related) friend and I huddle as we hear others being 'taken' - which is pretty scary when you think about it. 

After an indulgence of panic, we realise it's not going to get us anywhere so we pack our gear and go to explore the other reaches of the room to help the others. On the way someone (in another group we pass) finds a stash of goods, much like a video game bonus. Inspired - I turn to my side where a wall made of saddle bags stands and open a side panel. I discover two mini first aid kids, labelled 'Baby Aid' - I pocket them both even though my friend is watching me. She has a kid, but these kits contain nothing but pretty long safety pins and a very small nail file. 

I'm to this moment, unsure if they were meant for babies or just named baby because they were so small. I have pockets and she doesn't.. and besides, there are no babies here. 

Up ahead, we see the same dude who had the illegal downloads etc at the computer terminal and he's hacked in and found a way to stop the monster 'program' but won't do it because it'll bring his desktop up and it's highly inappropriate. Well, probably more inappropriate to get yourself and your mates killed but hey what do I know?

Anyway, my friends and I find the main hangar door is open so we flee and jump into a waiting ....

one of those truck/carts that give you tours of factories etc while screams echo behind us. 

This cart thing then takes us right into the building - going up stairs and turning sharp corners as if we were in one of those 4D theme park rides and continues on into the hospital wing. We're told our leader is in here...

......and then I woke up. 

So..... I guess I've learnt from that to not trust any person who won't show me their desktop, that Dolly Parton just wanders into training simulations, that ANY kinds of training simulation is GUARANTEED to go wrong, if I find something useful no matter how stupid it is, I will pocket it, some jerk will inevitably leave any securable door open and let the beastie out and the scariest monsters are the ones you don't see. 

Apart from that I have no explanation for what I witnessed. Perhaps the strangest thing was that I had not even indulged in much sweets (only a few mints) and no caffeine at all. 

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