Oh hey, look, a post that's not about dreams! That's... refreshing.
Over the last few weeks I've made some realisations.
I need to change.
I'm not talking about new years resolutions or nothin'... I mean me. I could do and should do, better.
With things like money, stress, my questionable fashion sense, being a shrinking violet, my relationships and house-related cleanliness.
My husband and I made a big effort on the house - cleaning it up and selling things we don't need, putting things away and acting on things that needed attention... and it's so much calmer.
To be honest, I'm a hoarder and it's harder for me to get rid of my things but I'm trying.
We also decided to make a huge effort on eating healthy. No take-outs, no junk food, more water...
and it's been easy to stick to.
Me personally... I want to work on my body.
When I was younger I used to have amazing biceps. Now I look at myself and think, what the hell did you do? What's wrong with you?
That doesn't help, just like thinking back and wishing I was as fat as I was when I was 18, stick thin and just thought I was fat. I'm not morbidly obese, but I could stand to lose a few kilos. I want to be able to wear crop tops again even though they're probably not in fashion anymore, just to say look at my friggin' stomach, I don't care if you don't like it, I do!
Over the last few weeks I've made some realisations.
I need to change.
I'm not talking about new years resolutions or nothin'... I mean me. I could do and should do, better.
With things like money, stress, my questionable fashion sense, being a shrinking violet, my relationships and house-related cleanliness.
My husband and I made a big effort on the house - cleaning it up and selling things we don't need, putting things away and acting on things that needed attention... and it's so much calmer.
To be honest, I'm a hoarder and it's harder for me to get rid of my things but I'm trying.

and it's been easy to stick to.
Me personally... I want to work on my body.
When I was younger I used to have amazing biceps. Now I look at myself and think, what the hell did you do? What's wrong with you?
That doesn't help, just like thinking back and wishing I was as fat as I was when I was 18, stick thin and just thought I was fat. I'm not morbidly obese, but I could stand to lose a few kilos. I want to be able to wear crop tops again even though they're probably not in fashion anymore, just to say look at my friggin' stomach, I don't care if you don't like it, I do!