
Sunday 15 July 2018

Dream Smorgasboard

So lately I haven't had many dreams that I can recall. Perhaps in retaliation, I have since had many, weird and unusual dreams.

Some, like being dragged along by my ear can be explained by hair in my sleep looping around my ear and tugging on my earring.

Others like last night's, are a bit more involved.

Right, so I dreamt I was playing a game at a friend's home. We paused it and saved it, then I moved on to a new location. That new location - I quickly discovered - was the next freakin' level. It was set at a beach themed water park... I think.

I was sitting in a barstooled, water filled area..

Somewhat similar to this

Only there was a friggin' giant crocodile - true to video game form - swimming in a predetermined path on a predetermined schedule. No one else was bothered about this.  Of course, they were probably drinking. The first round where I saw it, it was massive, like my entire body would fit in it's jaws. The second time it came around and snapped at me, I was able to clamp it's jaws shut. With my bare hands, mind you. Of course, I have been working out. *Casually flexes*

The last time, it didn't come around on schedule. I was with the 'rescuee' from the last level and was just about to ascend to the stairs to get to the next level when I realised it should be behind us.. like RIGHT BEHIND us about now. I screamed at the rescuee to move - some young tan blonde child with obligatory teddy bear - actually come to think of it the teddy wasn't taking in any water... that's suspicious... - ANYWAY she bolts up the stairs which is half stairs half tree house looking ladder and so do I, narrowly missing the jaws of death.

This brings us out to a theme park water slide area that looked a bit like Bubsy's water streams.

But more flat. It was going pretty fast. I craned my head around the corner and told rescuee - let's call her Sophie - that it looked like it split into five lanes, so to aim for the middle one with me. She agrees, so I jump on the slide and get to the split area but discover that a) it majorly slows down there b) it splits into about ten lanes but they're like a metre long and end up in the same place anyway and c) you'd need to climb over these plastic stairs to get into that main area.

So off we go aaaaand..... end up in a restaurant with like ten of my junior high school colleagues?
The villain company is setting up a lunch for us. I need to use the amenities after all this water, so unable to find one, I jet back to a save point and use a loo in the lobby. Somehow I can walk back to the restaurant (now it's like a safari park. There are black bears just wandering around the path with tourists. They go to take a swipe at me, but I run into a wooden gated area with a flimsy latch.... which apparently is sufficient.

Now I'm behind some tourists talking about how great the buffet is and they can't wait for the Chinese food. I walk in ahead of them and find my group (less Sophie, but whatever) and they have made a huge mess of their own buffet. I find a space to sit down - a skinny kid moves over for me but there's a bowl full of rice sitting in a puddle of sweet and sour sauce on the table so I move elsewhere.

Then I can't find a plate, just bags of calamari rings. That's fine and all but I really want some BBQ pork in plum sauce. The waiters are trying to shoo us out but I tell where to put that sentiment.
This part sort of skips and then I'm with my husband, walking along a path with a few of the colleagues, that have somehow regressed to kindergarten age. We spot our eldest nephew sitting on a wooden log fence just chilling. He looks younger too.. about 10/11?

He's in a great mood so we don't care, just spend some time chatting with him. Although, now I think about it, who was he there with? He's from interstate, and is too young to drive himself. We certainly didn't pick him up from the airport because we've been far too busy running from crocodiles, bears and buffet jerks today. Also his hair is platinum blonde instead of his usual colourful streaks and dirty blonde colour from that age.

That's all I remember from that particular dream.
Bear in mind, I had just been to a friend's the weekend prior where we played board games as well as video games (including SNES and Nintendo Switch)
I was pretty peckish at the time I went to bed (but not starving) and I had been thinking of our nieces and nephews a lot recently.

Some other dreams I've had included being on holiday and looking out the window - seeing my cruise fanatic dad using a part that fell off the ship as a paddle-board. The cruise ship wasn't actually much bigger than him, and there were several ships in the holiday's swimming pool (which resembled the beach but wasn't) and no one gave a ripe funk about what was happening out there.

Another one saw me and a few friends making a fight or flight decision in a Stargate set. We chose to temporarily hide behind a totem pole (and somehow all fit) then another friend hands me some lock picks so I was like thaaaanks.... that'll help against aliens with frickin' laser guns.
The sarcasm was totally lost on my dream-friend.

Last night's dream was a bit weird - my husband and I were staying in an apartment with my parents and two of their best friends. For some reason, there was also three kids there - about 11-12 years old, two bratty boys who travelling in a pair and one girl who dressed in argyle a lot. And impressively pulled it off. The apartment was waterfront, as in, I looked out the window to see what was going on - the window latch was unlocked but my own house keys were in the lock - and right outside is a busy sea way. I turn around and the two boys are smacking at a bird inside with a towel to catch it. I tell them to eff off and catch the bird in a soft towel. I hold it carefully, not wanting to be bitten. It looks like a seagull, but as more and more of it emerges from the towel, it's actually an exotic blue/green parakeet. I ask the boys where it came from, and the ringleader brat tells me it came out of the mushroom in his backpack pocket. I leave that one well alone.

The bird doesn't bite me and I wonder if it's someone's pet. I decide not to release it out of the window just yet. I head over to the computer - our computer from home complete with double screens - to look up lost pet ads but the boys try to kick me off. They've infected the computer with viruses - pop ups after pop ups appear while I'm trying to close my windows down - my mother and husband are sitting right there and they're naturally the worst adverts for ludicrous gambling exploits or the filthiest sex shows Flashing windows advertising that I've won an Apple product multiply like crazy - I close one and ten more appear.

Eventually, I win and leave the room. The boys jump on the computer and immediately start printing a million pages for some stupid card game. We didn't have a printer there five seconds ago. For some reason, all of the bedrooms are separated by a  small archway with no doors. Feeling angry about these boys (seriously, who the hell are they and why are they here?) I spit on their backpacks. Then I notice the girl's room has a huge art deco stamp on the wall reminding her about a dance rehearsal interstate - at first I'm like oh my gosh the bond will never be returned and then belatedly wonder how she got a stamp that big through the door.

As it turns out, our inside bird had been screaming loudly for about half an hour, which may have explained why there was a random bird in my dream - I had also gone to bed remembering that I forgot to update our anti-virus. The random kids... I dunno. We had just been to a baby shower where the kids there were kinda jerks but they were either 1-2 year old or else 8-9 plus one grumpy 15 year old. We had just been on a vacation with my parents and their buddies with a water front view. Still weird.

On the other hand, my husband had a simple dream about going four wheel driving with his brother.
Is it possible I've overthinking or over compensating?

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