
Wednesday 18 May 2011

Aw, hell-diddly-ding-dong-crap!

I'm all about the retro. I miss having a tape player in my car, although Cd's are nice too. The other day while I was cleaning up, I found an old radio station's (I believe it may have been the original Switch FM) C+C and the Music Factory's 'Gonna make you sweat' mixed in with quotes from the Simpsons.
Namely 'Simpson Tide' and 'Homer's Phobia' but possibly a few other tidbits.
I laughed out loud, I tell you. It was great.

(Humming along to 'Shoop') 'Do do dooo do do, do do do.. Come on boy. Today we're gonna..AHH!!'
'I can make music..'
'You can??'
'You bet I can! Listen!'


'Baart, where'd you get that shirt?'
'I dunno. Came out of the closet.'
'Zzzzzzap! Zzzzap!'
'The whole world's gone gay!'
'Oh, be nice.'
'I want all of youse to say hello to the Simpsons.'
'You and Marge ain't cousins, are ya?'

'Milhouse, my MOM wears earrings. Do you think *she's* cool?'
'No! I think she's hot! ................................Sorry, it just slipped out.'
'That is soo 1991'
'He thinks I'm gay?'
'Are you a ho-mo-sex-'
'Oh, for God's sake, don't answer that!'
'Nice fella. I wonder if he's gay.'

'Alright Simpson, I don't like you, and you don't like me.'
'I like you.'
'Seems kinda gay.'
'Um, alright. You like me, but I don't like you.'
'Maybe you would like me if you got to know me.'
'Seems kinda gay.'
'Sparkle sparkle!'
'What on earth possessed you to get an earring?'
'Milhouse has one.'
'You're a disgrace to this family and it's proud navel tradition!'

(Insert rap)

'Enough of what's out, what's in?'
'Ice blended Mocha drinks and David Schwimmer.'
'Yesss, he is handsome in an ugly sort of way.'
'Oh Mr. Snookums, oh I wuv you so'
'Mwah, don't ever change!'
'What are you looking at!!?'
'I'll plug your hole....Eureka!'

'Hmm, that's queer.'
'My Homer is not a communist. He may be a liar, a pig, an idiot, a communist, but he is not a porn star!'
'Oh my gosh!'
'I told him that photo would come back to haunt him.'
'Your actions have given the Navy a black eye from which it may never recover. I would throw the book at you, but I'VE BEEN IMPERSONATING THE FIRST LADY!'
'I think you're off the hook..'
'Then can I get a tattoo that says 'bite me'? You never know when it might come in handy.'
'Maybe for Christmas.'
'Hey Marge, wouldn't it be weird if they had little parties at night? Wee, little parties!'

(Insert a bit more rap)

'Hmm, that's queer..'
'Hot stuff, coming through..'
'Dad, why did you bring me to a gay steel mill?'
'I don't know!'
'What are you talking about Homer? Where are we going?'
'Just a couple of good old fashioned, manly places. Father and son.'
(Thinking: You're leaving the arm there too long, you wanna make it worse?!')
'That's odd, it didn't come out the rear end.'
'Rod, you've got small, girlish hands. Reach in and fish it out!'

'Hmm, that's queer..'
'I kinda want a cigarette.'

I'm guessing that due to copyright and the fact that it was years ago and never released, I won't be able to find a copy of it anywhere other than my tape player, but I'll see what I can do.
If anyone else remembers this song from about 1998-2001, please let me know!
They used to play it all the time so I almost didn't record it, but I'm glad I did.

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