
Wednesday 25 May 2011

Medium Hot Bottom Five

Today I'm listing the worst things about FaceBook. Why five, you ask? I know you've seen me whinge about this site enough while continuing to use it, surely I can do more than that.
Of course I can, don't doubt me! I only happen to have five fingers I can count on, because I don't like typing with my stripey socks.



Yay, groups! Who doesn't love joining groups? No one. So, FaceBook made a new feature that makes you join groups whether you want to or not. It's true. Your friends can use yesterday's 'suggest group to friends' button or they can just make their own group, chuck you in it and let you receive a bazillion updates on things you don't care about, and you won't understand why you're getting them.

My friend has added me to no less than three shopping groups directed at MOTHERS. Another buddy forced me into a MyZoo forum. I don't even PLAY that game. It would just be nice if we could accept or decline, not be shoved in there and have to get on a computer to click the little 'x' and be warned that if you leave this little society, you can never be added again  and you'll have to come back on your knees and beg forgiveness should you change your mind.

That's right, I had no home Internet for a short time and during that time I was unable to use my phone Internet to access FaceBook because I would get excited about having 2300 notifications and then suffer a depressing low when I realised my friends didn't actually like me that much.


New computer logins

Awesome new security feature.. or is it? Every time I log on to FaceBook on my own laptop, it asks me to name my computer to make sure every thing's still cool. Still cool? How about remembering how cool I am in the first place?? Now I've got ten thousand emails telling me that I logged onto 'a', 'b', 'c' or 'kfjfbiABGSCDF23!!!!!11!!' because I just can't be arsed typing my lap top's name again and again. Besides, considering how bad most people are with security, someone who hacked your 'Book could probably just type in 'Frank's computer' and Frank wouldn't even notice.


Game updates

Game updates! Wow! Yeah! .....No. Just no. I have so many apps blocked that sometimes when I click one of my friend's pages to go write on their wall, I think I've got the wrong page because where else did all this FarmVille turd come from? The app blocker is the most amazing thing. Yet the game makers are getting wise to it, so despite having all the different versions of farm games blocked... they'll still find a way to get in under some umbrella name or dummy app. It makes me a sad tiger. Especially since I no longer enjoy the games I used to play.

Yes, everyone wants you mucking out shit on their virtual farm, but you won't ever hear back from your Crusades request. What? It was a great game!! Now it is no more.


Websites that interact with FaceBook

Oh hey, Fred just joined a new group, it looks funny but I can't quite read out the title.. maybe if I click on it I -woah woah HEY! You are not FaceBook!! I has been deceived!!

A sad story. Someone thought that it would be great to interact with FaceBook on other sites. You could like stuff. You can post reviews! You can... spam people's walls worse than before..

You suck.


Privacy? What privacy?

The number one FaceBook issue is privacy. They just can't get it right. What? You didn't want us to make your previously private account public for no apparent reason? Are you sure? That doesn't sound like you..

Bad FaceBook! You have gone mad with the power!!

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