
Tuesday 2 August 2011

Facebook 30 Days of Confessions

Day 1; Your biggest fear.
People pawing through my stuff after I pass away and thinking 'what was this girl's damage? Look at all this crap!!' Which is a long version of saying I'm afraid of being completely misunderstood, I guess.

Day 2; Worst nightmare.
Well, I have a lot of random nightmares. One that sticks out and left me shaking when I woke up was one where I was lost in a bazaar filled with horrible torture devices and disgusting objects that no one else seemed to notice. I came across someone I knew vaguely, and when their friend said something about us I went to go pat them on the back as an apology and they were paper thin. I felt like I could destroy them without even trying or meaning to. I probably should have listened to that dream as it turned out to be quite predictive. 

Day 3; Something you wish you could forget.
My past failures. It would be nice to forget them, but you do learn so much from them as well so it's important to remember the lesson more than the actual failure.

Day 4; Best dream.
If only it were that simple. I do not dream. I watch sagas unfold while I sleep.

Day 5; Favourite memory.
It's hard to single out one memory, but I always smile when I think of Friday's after TAFE, my boyfriend would come pick me up and we'd head down to the beach and just hang out together.

Day 6; Worst experience.
Being in a job where everyone else got to mess around and do no work but if I dared slack off for ten minutes or ask for help with something I got the full blast of evils. Also, no one spoke English.

Day 7; Biggest pet hate.
People touching my junk. Not like, my groin - although that would be irritating to say the least, I mean people just feeling like they have the right to just 'borrow' things and put their germy hands over everything. What's that you're writing in? A visual diary! Sure, I'll look at it! *ignores protests and steals item*

Day 8; Something you're paranoid about.
Zombies. Big time. Sure, they're a movie villain but they have roots in real life, man. Look around you. Someone you know could be a zombie.

Day 9; What you thought of your current best friend when you met them.
Good gravy, this woman is rigid! <-- that sounds so weird, but it's true. She doesn't really... bend. When she leaps to attack it's just.. vertical chaos.

Day 10; Your strongest principle/belief.
That everyone should be treated the same. Definitely treat people how you want to be treated. It's probably going to back fire on you, but at least you'll have the higher moral ground.

Day 11; What annoys you the most.
Stereotypes. When people expect you to do something because other people of your gender/age/religion/whatever enjoy doing it. Yeah, I shop for clothes because it's nice to flaunt my ability to not be a nudist all the time. That doesn't mean I'll go shopping with you every week because you have to fill a void in your life that's deeper than your closet space. Also when people assume pink is for girls, and blue is for boys. At previous fast food jobs when it came to the kid's meals I'd say 'would you like the Transformers toy or the Bratz one?' Parents: 'Oh, well, I have a girl.. so....'
So what? I know I'd rather a robot that did cool stuff than some mini Barbie with an over inflated head and freaky eyes. NEVER ASSUME that all toys are segregated or we're going to separate them all into what white people have and what the other races can play with. *eye roll*
Day 12; Something you want to do before you die.
Let go of my fears.

Day 13; Biggest regret.
That I wasn't more involved with my Granny.

Day 14; Hidden talent.
I'm not sure that ruining movies for everyone by pointing out microscopic errors and plot holes counts as a hidden talent, but it sure floats my boat.

Day 15; Favourite thing about yourself.
My ability to find humour in anything.

Day 16; One thing you would change about yourself if you could.
Probably the fact that I don't have super powers. Realistically, I'd like to get rid of one little thing...

Day 17; Worst habit.
Self harm. Not like cutting my wrists or anything, but just the fact that I can't leave things alone, like a cut on my hand or a blood nail or anything.

Day 18; Most important person in your life at the moment.
My Panda. This year we've just gotten so much closer to each other and I really couldn't be happier. He's still the same guy I fell in love with all of those years ago and everyday I count my blessings that he loved me back.

Day 19; A skill you wish you had.
Jackie Chan-ism. You know, a kung-fu karate gymnastic comedy act with the ability to earn millions and give generously to charities.

Day 20; Biggest compliment you've ever received.
Hmm, that's tough. It's a tie between 'you're so strong'/'your skin is so soft'/'you're funny'/'such a good artist' and 'you're gorgeous!'

Day 21; What you hate most about society.
How fake it all is. I never fit in with people that aren't like me and I will never understand them either. All that fake 'mwah-mwah, dahhhhling' and 'how do you do' bullshit when none of them mean it.

Day 22; Something that makes you cry.
Okay, I'm weird because I can't cry over serious things like say, a death (well, straight away) but stupid little things like being unable to find something can frustrate me enough to bring my tear ducts back to life. I rarely cry though.

Day 23; Something that makes you laugh.
Everything! People look at me and think I'm so serious but it's only because in my head my imagination runs wild and I'm trying to look like an ordinary person haha.
Day 24; Something no-one expected you to like.
Maybe Jim Carrey's The Cable Guy? Sure, it wasn't the best movie but I liked it.

Day 25; Most treasured possession (object).
That's a tough one. My memory is pretty good so I can look at anything in my room and immediately recall several memories that item can bring up. I'm going to be cliche and say photos though. I love photos.

Day 26; Strangest hobby.
It's not really strange but I do collect Harley Quinn obsessively. Like when I got myself a Harley Quinn shirt, I had to buy another one that just sits in a box being nice, never to be worn. Of course, it was a two for one sale. Yeah, it can get pretty out there haha but I love it.

Day 27; Biggest ambition.
To get better at my art.

Day 28; Something stupid you used to believe when you were younger.
That boy parts and girl parts were like a lottery. Some people would have winkies and some would have muumuus. And teachers think making 2nd grade kids get changed with each other is harmless!!
Day 29; A random confession.

This one time.. at band camp...


Day 30; A few words to, honestly, describe yourself.
Quirky, deceitful, friendly, artistic, funny, retro.

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