
Tuesday 14 June 2011

One for the money, two for the spoilers, three for the COMICS!

Hurray! My Arkham City #2 arrived! Or well, I thought it did. They said they couldn't hold the comic for me because I don't have a billion dollar account with the store. Why? I don't know. I can certainly spend enough in those damn places but I guess I'm just more selective with what I read in that I mainly chase Harley Quinn, not things like Brightest Day or whatever just because they're the hottest thing around.

I wouldn't mind reading a collected Blackest Night - mostly because of the Black Lanterns I saw in the Secret Six. Really though, are the black rings heaters or something? Those guys really putrefied fast. I guess the black could absorb more heat than say, a blurple ring but it *was* night time and... oh whatever.

One of my friends, T-rex was able to go into the city to get it for me because I was at work all day but when she came back she had two comics. Arkham City #1, and Arkham City #2. Which was weird. I don't mind. Then she said, 'I got your comic, but they had issue two there as well so I picked it up just in case.' Issue two? Um, that's the one I ordered. I already picked up the issue one I ordered through those guys. Like, ages ago. Never mind.

So, Arkham City #2 - Breaking Ground.

I wished for more Harley Quinn and I kind of got it. We open again on those bickering newsreaders at the opening ceremony of Arkham City. Are those guys married or something? There's a cute little bit where Brucie gets dismissed by Sharp regarding the suspended voting power of the parole board. Angry, Batman breaks into Sharp's files'n'crap and Strange appears on a video link trying to both kill him and steal his fighting mode. Why doesn't Strange just buy the game when it comes out? Then he can *be* the Bat.

After that there's a scene which shows the conflict and troubles this Arkham City can bring. It's one thing to dump the Poison Ivy's, the Two-Faces and Scarecrows in there, what about the two bit criminals and/or mental patients who are also going to be incarcerated with the murderers?

The Joker is being transferred - or is he? Looks like the guards whose friends Joker killed during the Arkham Asylum game have a score to settle. Joker is his usual charming self, and the jokes keep flowing naturally until a detour takes place. Now we see the Joker's internal monologue and he's scared sane. This would have to be due to his current weakness but he actually looks kind of healthy in this issue.

Harley Quinn makes her appearance disguised as one of the irate guards and subsequently pummels the rogues into submission. This is one of the issues where it really shows the good side to their relationship. About to die, Joker doesn't exactly cry out for or think of her, but neither is he surprised when she comes to his rescue. Casually letting loose some more puns while affectionately warning Harley to any thugs she may have missed and complimenting her plans.

Here comes Batman with his 'Oh, I just casually put any number of tracers, cameras and sensors illegally just for this kind of situation' crap.. Yes, he's always doing the dirty work of putting them all back in Arkham but still - bad vigilante! Stay on your side of the law!

He's having a bad day so he shoots at the crime couple and of course they fire back, which probably won't improve it in anyway, especially since he's now lost them. Harley helps Joker through the sewers and eventually they pop up in Arkham City as the first residents - Mayor and Mayoress.

Now I quite want number three. Haha. We haven't seen how Harley gets her new street clothes yet, so that will be interesting. Also I would like to see what they're going to do with some of the super powered villains - sure they said there will be guards there, but human guards. For example, Poison Ivy could just grow a vine-o-matic and leaf, some of them could probably fly away... etc. What sort of defenses will this place have against that?

This issue had the same Constantine comic and Super 8 previews as well as that ugly Green Lantern movie banner splashed all over the front cover but I am loving the artwork and the writing. Issue two was definitely more awesome than issue one, the less they focus on the Titan the better, I say.

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